Author Archive for Kathleen – Page 2

Design For Change: Color Therapy Following Stroke

When this client’s color receptors changed as a result of a stroke, her world went gray and that loss felt devastating.  Not ready to accept a world without color, I took on the challenge of this project, knowing that it was different in a lot of ways. Read More→

Generating Income and Welcoming Visitors

It was hard to decide on the best use of this delightful basement space.  The possibilities were many; separate home office, guest space, or a rental apartment.

After careful consideration of the homeowners needs it was decided to create a comfortable hotel alternative for family and visitors to the DC area.  Read More→

Easing the Transition To Assisted Living: Carol’s Story

When my own mother reached an age and stage at which she could no longer safely live alone in her home of many years, we knew we had a challenging process ahead of us. Control and decision-making were shifting from one generation to the next and that brought a lot of feelings and issues to the surface. It was a difficult time in some ways, and a wonderful time in other ways. Read More→

When You Can’t Take It (All) With You: Get Creative!

The simplicity of downsizing sounds good to people from the comfortable nest of familiar belongings. But often when it is time to actually start letting go of things, emotions, doubts and attachments can get in the way. What to do? Read More→

Downsizing Space: Including Loved Ones

As many individuals grow older they are overcome by a wish to simplify their lives. Many wish to jettison old furnishings and clutter and create new spaces that reflect their new sensibilities and make life simpler. For some folks this may mean moving to a smaller home with less upkeep. Others may wish to simplify in place.

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