Contemplating Retirement … and Beyond …
… is an enormous step into the future. While there may be the exhilaration of a long-awaited “freedom” after years of career responsibilities, the transition can also have its daunting sides. And the first transition away from the workplace, may be just the first in a series of transitions that come with advancing age.
Life after a career can sometimes feel unfocused and lacking in purpose or social structure. During such a transition, one’s home can serve as a much-needed place to bridge the gap from the known of the past to a new way of living and being in the world. Home can be a comfortable base for re-exploring the world and discovering new interests–whether from an armchair or actual excursions.
In many cases, the later years bring the loss of a spouse or loved one with whom a life, a home, belongings, and memories have been shared. Whether by choice or circumstance, a new living arrangement may mean leaving a home of many years to enter into community living or life care.
Sometimes staying in place but simplifying, downsizing, or modifying one’s environment to increase independence and enjoyment may be the right solution.
“I like to think of this phase of life as “Streamlining”. Things get clear, what matters most stays and paths are opened to allow for what you want to do, be that travel, relaxation, study, etc…”