Archive for redecorating for adults

Empty Nest Blues? Try Orange For a Sunny New Outlook

New colors, fresh upholstery, and new drapes can all put a fresh new perspective on one’s personal space and outlook. Of course this does not mean that one has to do away with favorite old furniture, artifacts, habits, etc. But sometimes it is good to shake things up a bit. For some this might mean moving to a new home. For others, introducing a fresh decor may do the trick. Read More→

Downsizing Space: Including Loved Ones

As many individuals grow older they are overcome by a wish to simplify their lives. Many wish to jettison old furnishings and clutter and create new spaces that reflect their new sensibilities and make life simpler. For some folks this may mean moving to a smaller home with less upkeep. Others may wish to simplify in place.

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